Research resources available through iConquerMS

iConquerMS data: Each registered iConquerMS participant is invited to participate in the REAL MS study, consisting of a set of core Web-based questionnaires hosted on the portal. These are completed at enrollment to provide baseline data and offered again at twice-yearly intervals to provide longitudinal updates. The current REAL MS questionnaires include:

We can implement additional Web questionnaires as needed to meet the needs of your research study. These can be presented to iConquerMS participants as a cross-sectional survey or on a longitudinal basis.

In addition, we have the ability to develop mobile phone apps or integrate data from existing apps. We can also integrate data collected by fitness trackers such as Fitbit®-type products or other personal data collection devices.

iConquerMS biosamples: If your study needs samples that can be collected by the participant directly, such as saliva, cheek cells, skin swabs, urine, or fecal samples, we can mail home-based collection kits to iConquerMS participants along with return shipping labels and supplies. The collected samples can be sent directly to your lab or to an external lab for processing.

For samples such as blood which need to be collected by trained personnel, we would be happy to discuss and explore options with you. We are currently conducting a blood sample collection in partnership with Quest Diagnostics for the COVER-MS Immune Response Substudy. Accelerated Cure Project has 10 years of experience in clinic-based sample collection through the establishment and operation of our 3,200-subject MS blood sample repository.

iConquerMS electronic health records: iConquerMS participants are invited to upload any EHRs they may have received from any of their healthcare providers. Supported file formats include PDF and XML.

Support for clinical trials and studies: The IConquerMS platform offers a number of features developed to support clinical trials, including reporting, randomization, automated reminders, and role-based permissions. The platform also supports the collection and seamless integration of clinical and patient-reported outcomes data. The STEP for MS trial of in-person vs telerehab exercise training is using the iConquerMS platform for data management and study support. 

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